这天,格雷格又像平时一样早早的起床,为金妮做好早餐后还不忘留下一张充满爱意的便利贴。便利贴上写着“dear, breakfast is on the table. don't forget to eat it. I'm going to work now! Love your Greg.(亲爱的,早餐就在桌上,不要忘了吃哦,我去上班了!爱你的格雷格。)”
“hi Sheriff marx, good morning. Let me guess. You must have eaten donuts and butter this morning, right?(嗨马克思警长,早上好,让我猜猜看,你今天早上一定是吃了甜甜圈还有黄油对吗?)”格雷格望着马克思神气的道。
“oh my goodness, how did you know?(哦天哪,你是怎么知道的?)”马克思难以置信的道。
“of course I know, because I am a police officer.(我当然知道,因为我是一名警察。)”格雷格道。
“No, that doesn't convince me, Greg. tell me exactly how you know.(不,这并不能说服我,格雷格,告诉我你到底是怎么知道的。)”马克思坚持道。
“okay, actually it's quite simple, Sheriff marx. Just look in the mirror and you'll know that there's still some butter on your mustache!(好吧,其实这很简单,马克思警长,只要你照一下镜子就会知道,你的小胡子上还沾着一些黄油呢!)”格雷格笑道。听格雷格这么说,马克思立刻从桌上抽出一张抽纸擦了一下自己的嘴角和胡子。
“how did you know that I had donuts this morning?(那你又是怎么知道我今天早上吃的是甜甜圈呢?)”马克思不解的道。
“this is something I can smell. I often eat donuts made by Ginny, so I'm not unfamiliar with its taste.(这个是闻出来的,我经常吃金妮做的甜甜圈,自然对它的味道也不陌生。)”格雷格道。
“Nothing can be hidden from your eyes and nose.(真是什么事都瞒不过你的眼睛,还有鼻子。)”马克思道。
“Sheriff marx, thank you for your praise. I think I should go on patrol now.(马克思警长,谢谢你的夸奖,我想我该去巡逻了。)”格雷格微笑道。
“okay, it's time for you to go on patrol.(好吧,你是该去巡逻了。)”顿了一下,马克思又接着道:“Actually, I'm not praising you, I just forgot to wipe my mouth after dinner.(其实我并不是在夸你,我只是吃完饭忘了擦嘴而已。)”
待格雷格离开后,马克思又不服气的嘟囔了一句:“Greg, I hate your damn eyes and nose!(格雷格,我讨厌你那该死的眼睛和鼻子!)”
另一张桌上的女警员听到马克思嘟囔立刻问了一句:“Sheriff marx, what are you talking about?(马克思警长,你在说什么?)”
“oh nothing, I said the weather is nice today!(哦没什么,我说今天天气不错!)”马克思立刻找个借口来掩饰自己的尴尬。
“hi brother, take a look at your identification.(嗨兄弟,你的证件看一下。)”格雷格的一名男搭档拦停这辆军车后,对着军车上开车的男子道。
“brother, you see clearly, this is a military vehicle! we still have military affairs, so we won't delay here. You better understand.(兄弟,你看清楚,这可是军车!我们还有军务,就不在这里耽搁了,你多理解。)”说着,车上开车的男子就要开火走人,但却被格雷格拦了下来。
“Since you are soldiers, you should understand and cooperate even more. please show your documents!(既然是军人,那你们就更应该理解和配合了,请出示你们的证件!)”格雷格上前再次拦停道。
“brother, we really have military affairs involved, it's really inconvenient to delay!(这位兄弟,我们真的是有军务在身,真的是不便耽搁啊!)”车上开车的男子道。
“what military affairs are so important to you? how much time can it take for you to show your documents?(你们有什么军务这么重要?出示一下证件又能费你们多少时间?)”格雷格有些不耐烦的道。
“to be honest, there was a group of prisoners escaping from a prison in houston, texas, and we were sent to assist the houston police in their pursuit. please let's hurry over, they may run away if it's too late. they are dead prisoners. If they were to successfully escape, I don't know how many people would be killed!(实不相瞒,德克萨斯州休斯顿的一所监狱里有一群囚犯越狱,我们是派来协助休斯顿警方追捕他们的。请让我们赶紧过去吧,晚了他们也许就跑掉了。他们可是死囚犯,如果让他们成功跑掉,不知会害死多少人呢!)”车上开车的男子道。
听他这么说,格雷格犹... -->>